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import Foundation import AWSCore import AWSDynamoDB import AWSS3 class AMZRemoteService { // MARK: - RemoteService Properties var hasCurrentUserIdentity: Bool { return persistentUserId != nil } var currentUser: UserData? // MARK: - Properties var persistentUserId: String? { set { NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().setValue(newValue, forKey: "userId") NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().synchronize() } get { return NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().stringForKey("userId") } } private (set) var identityProvider: AWSCognitoCredentialsProvider? private var deviceDirectoryForUploads: NSURL? private var deviceDirectoryForDownloads: NSURL? private static var sharedInstance: AMZRemoteService? // MARK: - Functions static func defaultService() -> RemoteService { if sharedInstance == nil { sharedInstance = AMZRemoteService() sharedInstance!.configure() } return sharedInstance! } func configure() { identityProvider = AWSCognitoCredentialsProvider( regionType: AMZConstants.COGNITO_REGIONTYPE, identityPoolId: AMZConstants.COGNITO_IDENTITY_POOL_ID) let configuration = AWSServiceConfiguration( region: AMZConstants.DEFAULT_SERVICE_REGION, credentialsProvider: identityProvider) AWSServiceManager.defaultServiceManager().defaultServiceConfiguration = configuration // The api I am using for uploading to and downloading from S3 (AWSS3TransferManager)can not deal with NSData directly, but uses files. // I need to create tmp directories for these files. deviceDirectoryForUploads = createLocalTmpDirectory("upload") deviceDirectoryForDownloads = createLocalTmpDirectory("download") } private func createLocalTmpDirectory(let directoryName: String) -> NSURL? { do { let url = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: NSTemporaryDirectory()).URLByAppendingPathComponent(directoryName) try NSFileManager.defaultManager().createDirectoryAtURL( url, withIntermediateDirectories: true, attributes: nil) return url } catch let error as NSError { print("Creating \(directoryName) directory failed. Error: \(error)") return nil } } // This is where the saving to S3 (image) and DynamoDB (data) is done. func saveAMZUser(user: AMZUser, completion: ErrorResultBlock) { precondition(user.userId != nil, "You should provide a user object with a userId when saving a user") let mapper = AWSDynamoDBObjectMapper.defaultDynamoDBObjectMapper() // We create a task that will save the user to DynamoDB // This works because AMZUser extends AWSDynamoDBObjectModel and conforms to AWSDynamoDBModeling let saveToDynamoDBTask: AWSTask = mapper.save(user) // If there is no imageData we only have to save to DynamoDB if user.imageData == nil { saveToDynamoDBTask.continueWithBlock({ (task) -> AnyObject? in completion(error: task.error) return nil }) } else { // We have to save data to DynamoDB, and the image to S3 saveToDynamoDBTask.continueWithSuccessBlock({ (task) -> AnyObject? in // An example of the AWSTask api. We return a task and continueWithBlock is called on this task. return self.createUploadImageTask(user) }).continueWithBlock({ (task) -> AnyObject? in completion(error: task.error) return nil }) } } private func createUploadImageTask(user: UserData) -> AWSTask { guard let userId = user.userId else { preconditionFailure("You should provide a user object with a userId when uploading a user image") } guard let imageData = user.imageData else { preconditionFailure("You are trying to create an UploadImageTask, but the user has no imageData") } // Save the image as a file. The filename is the userId let fileName = "\(userId).jpg" let fileURL = deviceDirectoryForUploads!.URLByAppendingPathComponent(fileName) imageData.writeToFile(fileURL.path!, atomically: true) // Create a task to upload the file let uploadRequest = AWSS3TransferManagerUploadRequest() uploadRequest.body = fileURL uploadRequest.key = fileName uploadRequest.bucket = AMZConstants.S3BUCKET_USERS let transferManager = AWSS3TransferManager.defaultS3TransferManager() return transferManager.upload(uploadRequest) } private func createDownloadImageTask(userId: String) -> AWSTask { // The location where the downloaded file has to be saved on the device let fileName = "\(userId).jpg" let fileURL = deviceDirectoryForDownloads!.URLByAppendingPathComponent(fileName) // Create a task to download the file let downloadRequest = AWSS3TransferManagerDownloadRequest() downloadRequest.downloadingFileURL = fileURL downloadRequest.bucket = AMZConstants.S3BUCKET_USERS downloadRequest.key = fileName let transferManager = AWSS3TransferManager.defaultS3TransferManager() return transferManager.download(downloadRequest) } } // MARK: - RemoteService extension AMZRemoteService: RemoteService { func createCurrentUser(userData: UserData? , completion: ErrorResultBlock ) { precondition(currentUser == nil, "currentUser should not exist when createCurrentUser(..) is called") precondition(userData == nil || userData!.userId == nil, "You can not create a user with a given userId. UserId's are assigned automatically") precondition(persistentUserId == nil, "A persistent userId should not yet exist") guard let identityProvider = identityProvider else { preconditionFailure("No identity provider available, did you forget to call configure() before using AMZRemoteService?") } // This covers the scenario that an app was deleted and later reinstalled. // The goal is to create a new identity and a new user profile for this use case. // By default, Cognito stores a Cognito identity in the keychain. // This identity survives app uninstalls, so there can be an identity left from a previous app install. // When we detect this scenario we remove all data from the keychain, so we can start from scratch. if identityProvider.identityId != nil { identityProvider.clearKeychain() assert(identityProvider.identityId == nil) } // Create a new Cognito identity let task: AWSTask = identityProvider.getIdentityId() task.continueWithBlock { (task) -> AnyObject? in if let error = task.error { completion(error: error) } else { // The new cognito identity token is now stored in the keychain. // Create a new empty user object of type AMZUser var newUser = AMZUser() // Copy the data from the parameter userData if let userData = userData { newUser.updateWithData(userData) } // create a unique ID for the new user newUser.userId = NSUUID().UUIDString // Now save the data on AWS. This will save the image on S3, the other data in DynamoDB self.saveAMZUser(newUser) { (error) -> Void in if let error = error { completion(error: error) } else { // Here we can be certain that the user was saved on AWS, so we set the local user instance self.currentUser = newUser self.persistentUserId = newUser.userId completion(error: nil) } } } return nil } } func updateCurrentUser(userData: UserData, completion: ErrorResultBlock) { guard var currentUser = currentUser else { preconditionFailure("currentUser should already exist when updateCurrentUser(..) is called") } precondition(userData.userId == nil || userData.userId == currentUser.userId, "Updating current user with a different userId is not allowed") precondition(persistentUserId != nil, "A persistent userId should exist") // create a new empty user var updatedUser = AMZUser() // apply the new userData updatedUser.updateWithData(userData) // restore the userId of the current user updatedUser.userId = currentUser.userId // If there are no changes, there is no need to update. if updatedUser.isEqualTo(currentUser) { completion(error: nil) return } self.saveAMZUser(updatedUser) { (error) -> Void in if let error = error { completion(error: error) } else { // Here we can be certain that the user was saved on AWS, so we update the local user instance. currentUser.updateWithData(updatedUser) completion(error: nil) } } } func fetchCurrentUser(completion: UserDataResultBlock ) { precondition(persistentUserId != nil, "A persistent userId should exist") // Task to download the image let downloadImageTask: AWSTask = createDownloadImageTask(persistentUserId!) // Task to fetch the DynamoDB data let mapper = AWSDynamoDBObjectMapper.defaultDynamoDBObjectMapper() let loadFromDynamoDBTask: AWSTask = mapper.load(AMZUser.self, hashKey: persistentUserId!, rangeKey: nil) // Download the image downloadImageTask.continueWithBlock { (imageTask) -> AnyObject? in var didDownloadImage = false if let error = imageTask.error { // If there is an error we will ignore it, it's not fatal. Maybe there is no user image. print("Error downloading image: \(error)") } else { didDownloadImage = true } // Download the data from DynamoDB loadFromDynamoDBTask.continueWithBlock({ (dynamoTask) -> AnyObject? in if let error = dynamoTask.error { completion(userData: nil, error: error) } else { if let user = dynamoTask.result as? AMZUser { if didDownloadImage { let fileName = "\(self.persistentUserId!).jpg" let fileURL = self.deviceDirectoryForDownloads!.URLByAppendingPathComponent(fileName) user.imageData = NSData(contentsOfURL: fileURL) } if var currentUser = self.currentUser { currentUser.updateWithData(user) } else { self.currentUser = user } completion(userData: user, error: nil) } else { // should probably never happen assertionFailure("No userData and no error, why?") completion(userData: nil, error: nil) } } return nil }) return nil } } } |